1900s, Photo Search
From Public Source.
1900s, Photo Search
A picture of the new post office under construction also includes on eof the few views of the Newport Opera House. Built in 1892, it was considered to be the most elegantly furnished opera house north of Little Rock. On the right across Second Street is the first...
1890s, Photo Search
Located on the southwest corner of Front and Hazel Streets, the M.L. Cohn Company became a leading mercantile establishments in early Newport, later occupied by the Sterling Store. M.L. Cohn was closely related to the M.M. Cohn who founded the upscale clothing store...
1910's, Photo Search
The second St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern Railway Depot in Newport was built in 1916, and it was a busy place through the 1930’s. As roads improved and automobiles became more accessible, passenger traffic declined, but the railroads still carried most...
1910's, Photo Search
The Van Nuys Hotel and Restaurant next to the depot was built soon after the railroad station and was a popular restaurant in Newport. Men’s clubs met here for weekly luncheons, people went for Sunday dinners, and it was the only restaurant in Newport that...