1900s, Photo Search
This postcard shows the St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern Railway bridge over the White River, three miles downstream from Newport. The tracks then proceeded through town along the bluff side of the river, protecting the rails from the frequent overflows in the...
1900s, Photo Search
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks had a lodge in Newport at the turn of the 20th century, a popular social outlet for many of the town’s white men. The Newport lodge held annual minstrel shows as a fundraiser for the organization, and whole families...
1900s, Photo Search
The steamer General Joe Wheeler ran on the White and Black Rivers and is shown at Newport in 1904, loaded with 500 bales of cotton. Built in 1899, the boat was owned by Capt. W.A. “Billy” Joyce and Capt. Tom Stallings of Newport when this photograph was...
1900s, Photo Search
The steamboat Grand docks at either Jacksonport or Newport about 1903. It seems to be coming upriver since the deck is loaded with boxes and buckets instead of bales of cotton. The containers are most likely filled with salt, sugar, coffee, and even oysters, and the...
1900s, Photo Search
Mrs. O.D. Watson and Mrs. Charles Wilmans sponsored this Tom Thumb wedding as a benefit for the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The performance was in the Newport Opera House. This photograph was taken in front of the Brandenburg house on the southwest corner...
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