1910's, Photo Search
Here is a rare photograph of the man behind the camera, Parker the photographer, standing at the confluence of Hazel and Second Streets. Parker captured many images of his townfolk frolicking in the unaccustomed circumstances. The caption reads, “On Hazel,...
1900s, Photo Search
The employees of the Wolff Goldman department store pose outside their newly renovated and expanded operation in 1909. Arkansas’s leading architect, Charles L. Thompson, designed the new building at the corner of Hazel and Front Streets. Sigmund Wolff and...
1900s, Photo Search
Jackson County’s Episcopal congregation moved into Newport in 1879, changing its name from Grace Church to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and building a small wooden structure at the corner of Third and Hazel Streets. In 1904, St. Paul’s built a fine...
1890s, Photo Search
This building originated in 1896 as the Jackson County Savings Bank and later became the First National Bank. The Newport Club occupied the second floor, and an N is discernable in this photograph on the entrance to the left of the bank window. The bank stood at...