1900s, Photo Search
Jackson County’s Episcopal congregation moved into Newport in 1879, changing its name from Grace Church to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and building a small wooden structure at the corner of Third and Hazel Streets. In 1904, St. Paul’s built a fine...
1900s, Photo Search
The steamer General Joe Wheeler ran on the White and Black Rivers and is shown at Newport in 1904, loaded with 500 bales of cotton. Built in 1899, the boat was owned by Capt. W.A. “Billy” Joyce and Capt. Tom Stallings of Newport when this photograph was...
1890s, Photo Search
the Batesville and Brinkley depot at Auvergne was built in 1884 but blew away in the tornado of 1892. The tracks of the B&B which were laid from Brinkley north, reached Newport around 1890. Because of opposition from the Iron Mountain Railway, the B&B never...