The 1949 Safety Patrol at Gibbs Albright Elementary School in Newport was composed of a group of proud young boys who had been selected for their good grades and good deportment. As in other towns, girls were not eligible to serve on the Safety Patrol- often to their...
Swifton’s fourth-grade lass in 1941-1942 seems to be a happy lot, and they all have shoes. Standing with their teacher, Jewell Eldridge, are, identified by last names and from left to right, (first row) Cason, Moon, two unidentified, Harvey, Barker, Cross,...
The 1941 kindergarten class at St. Paul AME Church was taught by Willa Black. Years later, a day car center was named in her honor. (Courtesy of James Logan Morgan Jr. and the Butler Center.)
In the southern part of Jackson County, the white children of Weldon attended school in this wood-frame schoolhouse through the first half of the 20th century. Small rural schools like this one dotted the countryside all over the county. School consolidation later...
1910's, Photo Search
The river flooded in February 916, emptying the new Walnut Street School, undoubtedly to the delight of the children. Within a year, the City of Newport began in earnest to raise the existing low levees. But it was not until the late 1930’s, after two more...