The L.W. Moon home was perhaps the most intriguing of the many fine homes that Swifton’s farmers and merchants built for their families. (Courtesy of Ray Hanley.)
In the southern part of Jackson County, the white children of Weldon attended school in this wood-frame schoolhouse through the first half of the 20th century. Small rural schools like this one dotted the countryside all over the county. School consolidation later...
The home of Sigmund and Elise Wolff was one of the fine homes in downtown Newport that soon would fall prey to the fire of 1926. Note the unidentified black nursemaid, a fixture in every prosperous white home at the time.
The steamer F.W. Tucker sits at a lumberyard in Jackson County, probably Bob Logan’s, being loaded in the 1920’s. African American laborers are standing by waiting to load the cut lumber onto barges that the steamboat will push down the White River to...
Some of Newport’s leading men gather in front of one of their businesses in the 1920’s. From left to right are George L. Robinson, John Stayton, Joe Stayton, J.E. “Cap” Wilmans, Julian Logan, Sam Phillips, and Joe Walker. Landowners all, they...