1910's, Photo Search
T.S. Stephens and George Stephens started the Stephens Livery, Feed & Sale Stable in Jacksonport in the 1870’s. In the 1890’s, they moved their business to Newport, where, in addition to other services, they offered three round-trips each day between...
1870s, Photo Search
Some steamboats carried as many as 125 passengers and 2,000 bales of cotton. When they came up the river, they carried thousands of sacks of salt along with cargo of sugar, molasses, and dry goods, which they could trade in the backcountry, before loading up with...
1870s, Photo Search
The steamboat Walt was a truly elegant steamer. Its 43 staterooms were lavishly furnished, but the 10 set aside for women were fitted like rooms in a fine hotel, with imported furnishings. The cabin was covered with the finest velvet carpet, with all furniture...