Tornadoes have always been a constant threat in Jackson County, as in much of Arkansas. The damage shown here reflects the incredible force of these storms, which generally track the old Southwest Trail from southwest to northeast through Arkansas. Although Newport is...
1900s, Photo Search
Sam W. Harvey and his wife, Maud Harrison Harvey, and daughters Sylla (left) and Clara stand outside their new home in Tuckerman in 1905. Harvey was a prominent merchant, planter, and ginner. Sylla married Edward Wayne Boyce, Sr., who was a ginner, and she later...
1900s, Photo Search
This photograph shows cotton bales at the Tuckerman gin. From here, they would have been loaded onto railroad cars and shipped to cotton mills in the North. From the Jean Boyce Collection From Watson, Tim, and Elizabeth Jacoway. Newport and Jackson County. Arcadia...
1900s, Photo Search
Tuckerman lies 10 miles north of Newport, and it derived much of its early wealth from the timber industry as well as the production of cotton. Here, a lumberyard stands close to the railroad tracks since Tuckerman is not situated on the river. This photograph was...
1880s, Photo Search
The first order of business in creating an agricultural economy was clearing the land. Thousands of acres of virgin timber spread throughout Jackson County, and the lumber business became s source of great wealth for the men who had the means to capitalize on this...