The steamer F.W. Tucker sits at a lumberyard in Jackson County, probably Bob Logan’s, being loaded in the 1920’s. African American laborers are standing by waiting to load the cut lumber onto barges that the steamboat will push down the White River to...
1900s, Photo Search
The steamer General Joe Wheeler ran on the White and Black Rivers and is shown at Newport in 1904, loaded with 500 bales of cotton. Built in 1899, the boat was owned by Capt. W.A. “Billy” Joyce and Capt. Tom Stallings of Newport when this photograph was...
1890s, Photo Search
This unidentified steamer pushing a lumber barge on the White River was photographed by W.D. Ross, who produced many of the photographs in Jackson County in the 1880’s and 1890’s. These boards have been milled and are ready for delivery to Memphis, New...
1870s, Photo Search
Some steamboats carried as many as 125 passengers and 2,000 bales of cotton. When they came up the river, they carried thousands of sacks of salt along with cargo of sugar, molasses, and dry goods, which they could trade in the backcountry, before loading up with...