1960s, Photo Search
1966 – 1967 Class Picture of Branch High School in Newport
1910's, Photo Search
Taken in front of Gustave Jones home at Second and Beech Streets, this photograph shows boaters enjoying the novelty of the flood. Standing on the porch are Jones (right) and an unidentified man. Jones’s daughter Leah Jones Hurt, sits in the bow of the boat,...
1910's, Photo Search
Jackson County judge Charles Coe’s levying court for 1912 includes (first row) Fred ?, Judge Coe, R.F. Tyro, B.F. Johnson, unidentified, and A.B. Collier; (second row) John R. Loftin, H.C. Nuckolls, two unidentified men, and John F. Smith,; (third row) W.G....
1900s, Photo Search
An afternoon card party at the home of O.D. Watson offered a pleasant outing for a few Newport ladies. Pictured here are, from left to right, Mrs. Gus Jones, Kate Watson Bennett, Mrs. Bob Harder, Nettie Bond, Sweet Minor, two unidentified ladies, Bessie Watson, O.D....