1960s, Photo Search
1966 – 1967 Class Picture of Branch High School in Newport
1910's, Photo Search
Jackson County judge Charles Coe’s levying court for 1912 includes (first row) Fred ?, Judge Coe, R.F. Tyro, B.F. Johnson, unidentified, and A.B. Collier; (second row) John R. Loftin, H.C. Nuckolls, two unidentified men, and John F. Smith,; (third row) W.G....
1900s, Photo Search
These students from the Peabody School in Tupelo, a farming town south of Newport, stand with their teacher, Ruby Harris who taught all grades. A note on the back of the photograph identifies the students by las manes as, from right to left, (first row) Taylor,...
1880s, Photo Search
These ancestors of the McDonald families reflect great wealth in their clothes, jewelry, and presentation. Pictured are, from left to right, (first row) Margaret McDonald Johnson, Florence Polk McDonald Scales Gilliam, Lavator McDonald, and John McDonald; (second...