1900s, Photo Search
Mrs. O.D. Watson and Mrs. Charles Wilmans sponsored this Tom Thumb wedding as a benefit for the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The performance was in the Newport Opera House. This photograph was taken in front of the Brandenburg house on the southwest corner...
1900s, Photo Search
The tennis club was a favorite diversion for some of the young ladies of Newport. Pictured here are, from left to right, (first row) Lucy Watson and Lottie Dill; (second row) Elizabeth “Lib” Brandenburg; (third row) Narcissa “Narcie” Phillips...
1890s, Photo Search
The home of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Watson at Second and Main Streets was the scene every year for many years of an All Day Dinner. According to family lore, on the day that Lavator McDonald died, his wife sent a note to the Watsons, saying “Lab’s dead, but...