1960s, Photo Search
1966 – 1967 Class Picture of Branch High School in Newport
1900s, Photo Search
The first class graduated from Newport High School in 1901. The commencement was held in the elegant and ornate Newport Opera House at Second and Laurel Streets. The five graduates are, from left to right, (first row) Mary Whittaker, Lula Wolff (later Stephens), and...
1890s, Photo Search
This unidentified steamer pushing a lumber barge on the White River was photographed by W.D. Ross, who produced many of the photographs in Jackson County in the 1880’s and 1890’s. These boards have been milled and are ready for delivery to Memphis, New...
1890s, Photo Search
Ada E. Remmel organized the Junior League of Newport in 1898, with the assistance of Rev. N.B. Ricks, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Among the girls are Misses Phillips, Erwin, Lindsey, Ross, Ross, Irby, Maud Richardson, Birdie Bains (or Barns),...