1910's, Photo Search
Here is a rare photograph of the man behind the camera, Parker the photographer, standing at the confluence of Hazel and Second Streets. Parker captured many images of his townfolk frolicking in the unaccustomed circumstances. The caption reads, “On Hazel,...
1900s, Photo Search
The signature white ink on this photography shows that it was taken by local photographer Parker. It features the east end of Front Street in 1907. Two establishments in the same block offer hot meals for 20 cents. From Watson, Tim, and Elizabeth Jacoway. Newport...
1890s, Photo Search
In the days before a bridge crossed the White River, ferries were the only means of transporting mules and wagons, with their loads of goods and people, from one side to the other. This postcard with the signature white ink of photographer Parker, made its way to...
1900s, Photo Search
From the Jacksonport State Park Collection.