Descendants of Judge John Robinson, The McDonald siblings were the children of Alvin Tobe McDonald and Mary Susan Johnson McDonald. They are, from left to right, Sue McDonald Robinson, Robert Haas McDonald, Lottie McDonald McCartney, Joseph Johnson McDonald, Ralph...
The Hinkle-McDonald Insurance Agency, established in the 1920’s, operated for many years on Hazel Street. Shown here in the 1930’s are Jewell Daughtery, Roy Hinkle (center), and Clyde McDonald. After Hinkle’s death, the agency merged with several...
1880s, Photo Search
These ancestors of the McDonald families reflect great wealth in their clothes, jewelry, and presentation. Pictured are, from left to right, (first row) Margaret McDonald Johnson, Florence Polk McDonald Scales Gilliam, Lavator McDonald, and John McDonald; (second...