1910's, Photo Search
Pictured here in 1910 is the office of the Southwestern Telephone and Telegraph Company at 404 1/2 Front Street in Newport. The operator was Maude Dunham. The first Newport telephone company started in 1885 as the White River Telephone Company with C.R. Hite as...
1900s, Photo Search
These students from the Peabody School in Tupelo, a farming town south of Newport, stand with their teacher, Ruby Harris who taught all grades. A note on the back of the photograph identifies the students by las manes as, from right to left, (first row) Taylor,...
1890s, Photo Search
The home of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Watson at Second and Main Streets was the scene every year for many years of an All Day Dinner. According to family lore, on the day that Lavator McDonald died, his wife sent a note to the Watsons, saying “Lab’s dead, but...