Support JCHS
Make a Donation
Your donation helps further the mission of the Jackson County Historical Society. To make a donation to assist us in preserving Jackson County’s heritage, please mail your donation check to the Jackson County Historical Society, P.O. Box 711, Newport, AR 72112. Donations in any amount are important and appreciated.
Give a Memorial
Send the name of the person for whom you are giving a memorial and the name and address to which you’d like a memorial recognition to be sent. Enclose this information with a check for your memorial and send it to the Jackson County Historical Society, P.O. Box 711, Newport, AR 72112. All memorials will be acknowledged with a recognition card.
Create an Endowment
To create an endowment that will help fund the Jackson County Historical Society for years to come or to create an endowment for a special purpose within the Society’s mission, please call John Chadwell at 870-523-1009 or Mike Turner at 870-523-3490.